Neighborhood flowers

grape hyacinths
Grape hyacinths marching across the lawn toward the sidewalk
Violets thriving in a crack on the sidewalk
White daffodils with orange centers
Daffodils standing tall and proud
Purple-blue hyacinths
Hyacinths, a sneaky daffodil, and small blue flowers
Bright pink-red tulips with yellow centers
Early tulips
Fuzzy-looking reddish growths on a tree branch
Some sort of…I’m not going to lie, I have no idea what this tree is growing. Last year I remember it having leaves.
Small pale-green round leaves growing close to the ground, just beginning to open.
I’m not sure what these are going to be either. Right now they remind me of those fish in that game where their mouths open and close and you have to get the fishing pole in and hook them at just the right time.
A tree branch with white flowers
Flowering tree branches
Small pink and blue flowers growing in long grass
Pinks and blues

4/27/15 Edited to add: My cousin informs me that the peculiar reddish puffball things on the tree are the flowers of a red maple; the magnetic-fish-looking ones are sedum; and the small blue flowers are scilla (though they look to me like the flowers on a vinca vine; maybe they’re related?). Thanks, Anne!

Early spring gardening, indoor seedling edition

This is the first year I’ve planted from seeds, and the results are gratifying so far; I planted them last Friday and saw little sprouts begin to emerge in less than a week. The seed packets themselves have lots of information about planting depth and sunlight requirements, but I also found the book Successful Container Gardening to be helpful.

Peat tray, a few rows filled with potting mixThe dryer is near an east-facing window and is a perfect height for planting, as well as an out-of-the-way location for the seedlings to get their start indoors.

Seed packets: sun gold tomato, supersweet 100 tomato, thyme, chives I planted four varieties of tomato seeds – Sun Gold, Supersweet 100, Jelly Bean grape tomatoes, and “Gardener’s Delight” cherry tomatoes – and chives and thyme. I meant to get basil and nasturtium also; I may try to add those soon.

tomato seeds in the palm of a handHere are the tiny tomato seeds.

chive seeds in the palm of a handAnd even tinier chive seeds.

jelly bean red and yellow tomato seedsThe red jelly bean tomato seeds were dyed, but I planted red and yellow together, about three seeds in each little section. The book advised making little holes in the dirt with the tip of a pencil, which worked well.

peat tray with soil and seeds, plastic lid over topHere’s the peat tray all planted with seeds: tomatoes, herbs, and bunny tails (a non-edible grass). The extra green pots also hold thyme seeds, and the extra brown pots hold more chives.

And look! A mere six days after planting…

Bunny Tails sproutingThese are the Bunny Tails. (I’ve very glad I drew a diagram of what I planted where, as the book suggested.)

tomato seedlings sproutingThese are some of the tomato seedlings sprouting. I think if you stood in front of them for an hour you’d actually see them grow.

thyme seedlings sproutingWe won’t be running out of thyme anytime soon! Pun very much intended.

Welcoming spring flowers and houseguests

It’s April! Spring has sprung! By which I mean, temperatures are still mostly in the 30s and 40s, and when it creeps into the 50s it’s usually accompanied by rain or mist. But it’s spring, and here’s proof:

A clump of snowdrops growing at the base of a tree
Purple crocuses, petals closed

My mom was visiting for Passover, so she got to see the spring flowers without having to suffer through the 110 inches of snow. Someone was very excited to greet her favorite houseguest…

Sudo lying on the guest room floor in front of a futon bed
“When is she getting here?”
Sudo sleeping on the bed, head on pillows
“I have to test it out – how else will we know if it’s comfy?”
Sudo lying with her head at the foot of the bed
“It’s just as comfy this way.”

And when Mom left, Sudo took full advantage, burrowing under the covers and sprawling on the pillows.

Sudo on pillows and blankets
“She’s gone, I am bereft, I need pillows to comfort me.”

The seder went well, with good friends and good food and a chaotic retelling of the parts of the story people remembered (we have the Maxwell House haggadahs, not the most comprehensible or up-to-date. Note to self: get new ones before next year).

Seder plate, candles, and small rose bush on dinner table

Sudo did not drink four glasses of wine, but you’d never know it from the way she passed out on the couch after dinner:

Sudo on the couch, completely unaware of the making a really hideous face she's making

Sudo on couch, eyes closed, mouth open; a really truly indescribably stupid face